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Import Users using XLSX File

2 min read

Importing users into your PhishGrid platform via a XLSX file is an efficient way to add multiple targets to your phishing campaign with a single action.

Before You Begin

Ensure you have your XLSX file ready with the necessary details of the users you want to import. The required format can be found in the ‘targets.xlsx’ file. The standard format usually includes columns for first name, last name, email, job title, and contact number.

Available user information fields: 

CSV File FieldDescriptionFormatting Requirements
Email (Required)The user’s work email address. Must match an allowed domain.Standard email format (e.g., [email protected]). Avoid personal email domains like or
First Name (Required)The user’s given name.Standard text. Ensure proper capitalization for consistency.
Last Name (Required)The user’s family name or surname.Standard text. Ensure proper capitalization for consistency.
Job TitleThe user’s official position within the organization.Standard text. Titles should be consistent with organizational roles.
Contact NumberAn alternate or additional contact number.It should be a valid contact number
GroupAssigns the user to a pre-existing group.Group name must be an exact match to the existing group in PhishGrid.

Required Fields in XLSX File:
The XLSX file must include the following mandatory fields for each user:

First Name: The user’s first name.
Last Name: The user’s last name.
Email: A valid work email address. This is the most critical piece of information as it is the primary method of contact for phishing simulations.

Steps to Import Users

Step 1: Begin at the ‘Targets’ Section

Import Users using XLSX File

Access the ‘Targets’ option on your PhishGrid Menu.

Step 3: Opt for ‘Import Targets’

Import Users using XLSX File

Here you can import multiple users at once via a CSV file.

Step 4: Upload the CSV File
Ensure your file matches the PhishGrid format requirements and contains the necessary headers for ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’, and ‘Email’.

Import Users using XLSX File

Step 5: Execute the Import

Import Users using XLSX File

Click the ‘Import Targets’ button to proceed with the upload.