Reduce Human Risk with Security Awareness Trainings

Empower Your Employees to Recognize and Respond to Phishing Threats

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Why attack & educate employees with real world attacks ?

Heathcare entities are prime targets for phishing due to the sensitive data they manage. One wrong click can result in significant financial, reputational, and regulatory consequences. There are almost 1million unique attacks happen world wide.

Data Sensitivity

Managing vast amounts of sensitive data makes healthcare entities prime targets for cybercriminals.

Regulatory Compliance

Stringent data protection requirements mean that any failure to comply results in hefty fines and reputational damage.

Employee Vulnerability

Sophisticated phishing emails can deceive even the most vigilant employees, making staff a significant security risk.

Reputation Risk

Data breaches from successful phishing attacks can lead to a loss of trust that takes years to rebuild.

Phishing Attack Simulation for Healthcare
Our Process

Phishing Simulation As Service

Our phishing simulation is crafted to train your team, evaluate their vulnerability, and strengthen their ability to thwart phishing attacks.

Phishing Attack Simulation for Healthcare
Phishing Attack Simulation for Healthcare

Discovery & Analysis

Monitor employee interactions within the digital landscape. Our scoring system identifies risk-prone behaviors and teams in your healthcare organization.

Attack & Educate

Through engaging and impactful personalized automated security training, we instill the best cyber safety practices among your healthcare staff.

Phishing Attack Simulation for Healthcare
Phishing Attack Simulation for Healthcare

Create Cyber Champions

We empower every healthcare professional to become a self-sufficient cyber defender, armed with the knowledge and tools to identify, address, and report cyber threats.


As threats arise, our system leaps into action, activating rapid, automated responses to reduce risks and reinforce secure behaviors in your healthcare environment.

Phishing Attack Simulation for Healthcare
Why PhishGRID?

0-effort AI Powered Attack and Education Engine

Realistic Scenarios

Simulated phishing emails that mimic real-world attacks common in the healthcare industry.

Employee Assesments

Regular simulations to assess employee response and provide continuous education.

Zero Effort

No need to spend hours in planning campaigns, researching attacks and creating templates. 

Free. Forever.

Get Lifetime Access to Our Free Phishing Simulation Platform!
No credit-card. No hidden fee.