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Adding a Single Target to Attack

< 1 min read

Step 1: Open Targets Management

Navigate to the ‘Targets’ section of your PhishGrid menu. This is where you will manage individuals & groups who will receive simulated attacks.

Adding a Single Target to Attack

Step 2: Initiate Adding a Target 

Click on the ‘Add Targets’ button to start the process.

Adding a Single Target to Attack

Step 3: Enter Target Details 

  • First Name: Enter the target’s first name.
  • Last Name: Provide the target’s last name to further customize the experience.
  • Email: Input the target’s email address. This address will be used to send phishing email simulations.
  • Job Title: Include the job title of the target to tailor the phishing content to the role-specific threats they are most likely to encounter.
  • Country Code: Select the correct country code from the list provided.
  • Contact Number: Enter the contact number of the target, which is critical for vishing simulations.
  • Group Assignment (Optional): If applicable, assign the target to a predefined group. Groups can help segment the targets for more focused simulations or Reporting.
Adding a Single Target to Attack

Step 4: Enter Target Details 

Click the ‘Add Target’ button to complete the process and add the individual to your list of targets.

Adding a Single Target to Attack

Congratulations, you have successfully added a new target, Happy Phishing !