If you are experiencing issues with receiving emails on your target accounts, several common factors could be causing this problem. Below, we outline key reasons and potential solutions:
1. Ensure Proper Whitelisting
One of the primary reasons for not receiving emails is the lack of proper whitelisting. Make sure to whitelist the necessary domains and email addresses to allow incoming messages from our campaigns.For detailed instructions on how to whitelist, refer to our Whitelist in Gsuite, Microsoft/Office 365 Whitelisting
2. Check for Domain Blocking
Certain email domains might be blocked within your Microsoft Suite or GSuite settings. Verify that our domains are not on any blocklists within your email platform.
3. Address-Specific Blocking
Specific email addresses used in our campaigns might be individually blocked in your Microsoft Suite or GSuite. Check your blocklist settings to ensure that none of our campaign addresses are restricted.
By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve common email delivery issues, ensuring successful email campaigns on PhishGrid.